
Eating and running while traveling…

I really hate being away, especially during this time of year. I feel like it throws me off track of my regimen, team practices, and creates havoc with my eating. However, some things are just unfortunately of my control – like my travel season for work. There are things though that are in my control and learning what works from this trip will be a lifesaver (well, marathon training-save) for the rest of my travels.

Now on to my list of important things to consider while marathon training and traveling, in no particular order:

I promise I don’t eat omelets with a spoon!
While training for a marathon or any other race may not be ideal while you are traveling whether for pleasure or work, it is always great to plan ahead. I am lucky so far for a successful running week while away.
Are there any other pointers that are good to consider when traveling and training?
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