
Charity running

I used to joke about how distance running was a “selfish sport” which is probably why so many runners run for a charity team. I have a feeling I just opened a can of worms but please hear me out. I am one of those charity runners and I can’t imagine it any other way.

Sure when you go out for a long run solo, it feels selfish. You’re taking hours away from family and friends to spend by yourself running. The benefits that you reap from the long run only affects you, right? No, that’s where it’s completely wrong. No matter why you chose to go on that long run, whether it was to clear your head, maintain physical fitness, or training for a race, the endorphins that you feel afterwards will benefit more than just yourself. I come home from runs on a high. The days I don’t get my run or exercise in, Josh notices my crankiness! No matter why you out for a run, it brings you back a better person for everyone around you and for that, it’s not a “selfish sport.”

Last week I was asked to speak at the fundraising panel for our marathon team and as I was thinking about what to say, I came across this interesting statistic about how Americans love running for a cause and in 2012, over $1.68B was raised through charity races (source: via The Hungry Runner Girl). I wonder if this includes all the money that is raised by charity teams for marathons?!?! I imagine the NYC Marathon is up there with all the charity teams out there.

As most know my story already, but I started out as a sprinter in high school and college and then an occasional 5K here and there after college turned into a passion for distance running when I joined the Athletes to End Alzheimer’s team for the 2012 NYC Marathon. I joined the team to help raise awareness for Alzheimer’s and to do something in memory of my grandmother who suffered and passed away from the disease. Running has made me a much stronger person and helped me find perspective and prioritize the important things in life. I run for myself, but I also run for my family, friends, my teammates, everyone who has been touched by Alzheimer’s disease at some point in their life, and to help find cure for the disease.

Some of the 2014 Athletes to End Alzheimer’s NYC Marathon team with Josh helping with bag drop that evening!

I am a runner, but more importantly I am a charity runner and I am darn proud of it. Though I have guaranteed entry into the NYC Marathon, I still run for and with the Athletes to End Alzheimer’s team. Every time I have a hard run, I remind myself why I am running and think of my grandma. I started blogging when I started training for the 2012 NYC Marathon to share memories of my grandmother and to share my training progress. Over the last couple of years, I fundraised over $7,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association, NYC Chapter and still going! I learned a lot about some of the things that really work for me when fundraising. Here are some of my thoughts in no particular order:

What are some other fundraising tactics that have worked well for you? Happy to learn about other ways to help raise awareness for Alzheimer’s! 

Me volunteering at a NYRR event

And P.S. if you’re interested in donating to the Alzheimer’s Association, NYC Chapter, please visit my donation page. I appreciate any and all support!

2013 Athletes to End Alzheimer’s Team

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