
How to get into a morning workout routine

How did this happen? I used to ONLY workout in the evenings even when I started marathon training three years ago (well, except for the weekly long run).

Then two months ago, I started to slowly change that routine after many years of wanting to. I can’t say that I am consistent with any sort of schedule yet except that half of my workouts for the last month have been in the morning, so yay!

And I’m cheating a little, aside from the long runs and track workouts with GCTri on Tuesday mornings (and I bailed this morning when I got woken up at 4am to heavy rain, thunder and lightning), most of the morning runs have been on the treadmill. For some reason, it’s easier to convince my sleepy body to go to the gym than to run outside. I’m telling myself that it’s okay though because running even on a treadmill is better than not running at all and I typically just save my easy runs for those mornings.

So what changed? It’s hard to wake up earlier than you need to and to adjust a routine, but I found a number of factors really helped motivate me.

Benefits of morning workouts. I used to love working out at night because it was a way to decompress from the day but I’m finding that I really like some of the benefits of a morning routine.

What is your routine? Do you like to workout in the morning or evenings?

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