St. Maarten

In honor of the blizzard hitting us tomorrow, I need to share some warmth with everyone.

81 and sunny

81 and sunny

We got back from Sint Maarten (St. Maarten, St. Martin – Dutch side) on Tuesday night and it was an immediate rude awakening getting back into the swing of things with the cold, work, and marathon training.

Maho Beach

Maho Beach

Our trip to St. Maarten was from Friday to Tuesday (over Martin Luther King weekend), 4 nights and almost 5 full days was the right amount of time to get too much sun exposure (for someone who typically wears layers of sunscreen, I didn’t do as a good of a job this time) and relaxation. This was our third time on the island – first was on a cruise and a couple of years ago we stayed one night in Grand Case (French side) on our way to St. Barth’s. This time we stayed at the Sonesta Ocean Point Resort on Maho Beach. Maho Beach is right by Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) and is perfect for plane watching.

Love plane watching!

Love plane watching!

The resort was still under construction, which we knew, but still lacked some details to make it the 5 star resort it is supposed to be. I don’t want to dwell too much about the pros and cons of the resort here but you can read them in my TripAdvisor reviews.

Here are some highlights from the trip:

Daily plane board

Daily plane board

—Daily walks along Maho Beach to Sunset Bar & Grill to see the daily flight board.

—Plane watching from our hotel pool deck.

—Drinking enormous amounts of Fiji water (we thought it was pretty crazy and neat that the hotel predominantly served Fiji bottled water).

OverlookingMullet Bay Beach

OverlookingMullet Bay Beach

—Run with Josh to Mullet Bay and Cupecoy Beaches. The running path was through Rhine Road, the Mullet Bay Golf Course, and some of the cliffs. It wasn’t the best running path, mostly uneven the whole way and quite hilly. It was roughly 1.5 miles each way, but in the heat and humidity, it felt much longer.

Quite a crowd for water aerobics

Quite a crowd for water aerobics

—Planking on the beach. I plank on every beach I am on.

—Water aerobics. It was actually really fun.

—Eating an appetizer and dessert with every dinner. I’m very good at treating myself while on vacation.

Beautiful lunch views and Fiji water

Beautiful lunch views and Fiji water

—Lounging and reading by the pool. My choice of books are always quite interesting – If I Stay and Lean In – teenage fiction and business genres. I highly recommend Lean In. It’s a very thought-provoking, moving, and inspirational book for women and men regardless of what industry you’re in. After reading it I have a hard time reading fictional books that portray women in negative light (but I guess that’s why it’s fiction).

A reminder of warmer times!

A reminder of warmer times!

We could have rented a car and drove around to the different beaches and even head over to the French side of the island but were quite content rolling out of bed, to the treadmill (for me), breakfast, and then plopping ourselves by the pool. All in all, quite a great vacation!

Please share some warm thoughts with me! I need them to survive “one of the worst storms in the city’s history.”

Marathon training on a vacation

View from our swim out pool

View from our swim out pool

Greetings from sunny Sint Maarten! Well its not sunny anymore, it’s night-time, but regardless, it is quite sunny and warm during the days. We planned a last-minute getaway for the long weekend less than two weeks ago and I’m so glad we did because boy does it sound cold at home (sorry everyone!).

In my type-A fashion, I can’t imagine not being able to keep up with some sort of training routine while away. With that said, I spent a bit of time preparing in advance for the trip so that way my mileage and training wouldn’t suffer. Here are some pointers that worked and are working well for me.

Friday was 100 days till London!

Friday was 100 days till London!

Get a solid speed workout in – I knew that I would feel so much better if I was able to get a solid speed workout in before we left. I made every effort to leave work on time and make it to the DWRT speed run on Tuesday night in the frigid cold. I believe the forecast said that with windchill it felt like 6 degrees. We ran a speedy 5-miles at marathon goal pace, actually for me it was 15 seconds faster than goal pace. With the warm-up and cool down, I got 7 miles in.

Run long in advance of the trip – I knew that sneaking away for a 14-mile run would be difficult for many reasons. Chances are on an island, 14 miles would be hard to find and the weather would be very warm. And I didn’t want to leave Josh on our vacation for that many hours. A treadmill could work, but that wouldn’t be very fun either. Luckily my schedule this week worked out where I was able to get my long run in on Thursday evening. I got an early start before the sunset in Central Park and was later joined by James and Julio. Their company made the run so much more bearable in the dark, cold, and through my dinner hunger pains.

Research your vacation spot – We had done a bit of research when we decided on St. Maarten for running routes. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be many options. The roads are narrow and with the heat, it’s not necessarily ideal running conditions. The hotel Josh originally picked didn’t have a gym, and unfortunately I had to veto that. On Garmin, MapMyRun, and RunKeeper, you can find routes that other people posted.

Find a hotel that has a gym – If running outside is not an option, then a treadmill is the next best option. That is how we ended up at the hotel we’re at now. I wanted to make sure that if I really couldn’t run outside that there was an option to fall back on.

Understand that your schedule will not be perfect – I’m not one that handles changes in scheduling well but I know I need to learn to enjoy vacations and not fret as much about running. Hence, the long run and planning in advance. While here, I have no plans of much more than easy runs and some core work.

Core work on the beach – Hands down the best place to plank! Josh has pictures of me planking all over the world on all sorts of terrain. The beach is one of the best spots. What else are you going to do besides lie there anyway? Also, the sand allows for good traction that makes it easier (in my opinion at least) than on land. Forearm planks, side planks, push ups, downward dog, leg lifts, and double leg raises were on my agenda today. But keep in mind you might get strange looks from others around you. There are many other great workouts that you can do on a beach – see here.

Fiji bottled water in a glass (I've never had this much Fiji water in my life)!

Fiji bottled water in a glass (I’ve never had this much Fiji water in my life)!

Workouts in your hotel room – There are so many apps and websites that have workouts that you can follow from your phone or tablet. Also, if you know there is a DVD player, you can bring something from home – P90X is a pretty good option since there is a big variety. I have the Nike Training Club app that has some good workouts that you can do without equipment. Here are some other good resources – Greatist’s list of 50 bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere and Women’s Health no equipment workout guide.

Stay hydrated – Especially when in the sun all day, I am a stickler about how much water I drink. I need to always have a bottle with me. I know a lot of people recommend bringing a water bottle but I also get picky about not being able to properly clean it, so I do prefer bottled water. If the hotel provides free bottles, awesome! If not, then you will find us at a local market picking up bottles and then me refilling them at the gym. And I especially love hotels that offer fruit infused water!

Anyway, time to enjoy the evening more. I will recap Sint Maarten when we’re back. Enjoy the weekend everyone!