I wish I was faster at blogging, Josh’s birthday, and Fire Island…

I really wish I was faster at blogging; there is always so much to talk about and not enough time to capture it at the end of each week. I will need to work on trying to blog multiple times a week.

There are a couple of promises that I need to keep before I start this post. I promised to share what my Cookie Dough Baked Oatmeal looked like for breakfast this week. I am happy to report that it came out looking and tasting pretty good considering I accidentally doubled the amount of milk when I was adjusting the recipe for serving size. You definitely can’t go wrong with chocolate in anything you make, so I think I will try this recipe again for sure (this time with the right amount of milk)!

I ate it for breakfast with a scoop of plain Greek yogurt, blueberries, and pomegranate seeds

I also promised a couple weeks ago to share what some of my new gear looks like. I didn’t manage to take a picture of all my items at once since some are in the laundry but here are some purple highlights including my race day singlet. I am so excited to add these items to my running wardrobe but my drawers are definitely getting more difficult to close these days (Josh, I promise I won’t over stuff our new set of drawers like I did with our old Ikea ones which caused the bottoms to fall off).

We were trying to mimic Will Smith and his family’s face
during Miley Cyrus’s performance on the VMAs

Tuesday night, we ran track intervals on the Great Lawn track at Central Park. Tuesday night, I submitted to peer pressure and let my over achiever self take over. The plan was to run two sets of 3×600 meters, on the curves we were to go at 10K pace but for the straightaways, we were supposed to reduce our speed down to marathon goal pace. Generally for the strait aways, I was pretty on target for marathon pace but for the curves, I definitely ran some faster than 5K pace (around 7 minute miles). We finished up our two sets and some how I succumbed to peer pressure to run another set. Running is fun, right? Tuesday night’s practice was actually a lot fun and I felt great after the three sets until 24 hours later when my quads were extremely sore!

Josh’s birthday was Friday but since we were going away for the long weekend, I wanted to treat him to a nice dinner in Hoboken before we left. On Thursday night, we went to Augustino’s and they were incredible! We had never been before because usually you need to make reservations weeks in advance and they only take cash. However, I think we may need to make more of an effort to come back soon. The service was amazing and the food was delicious. Italian restaurants aren’t usually my first choice when going out to eat, but I highly recommend Augustino’s! You’d think by the looks of this picture that it was my birthday meal, not Josh’s. I ordered the special which was a seafood (lobster, shrimp, clams, and mussels) pasta with white sauce and he ordered the chicken parmesan. Just like chocolate, how can you go wrong with lobster? Yummy!

On Friday, we set out to Fire Island. Despite the accommodations not being up to par (or Cindy standard), we had a great time. This weekend’s run was supposed to be 14 miles and after exploring the neighborhood where we stayed, I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to fit in that many miles. The outside perimeter of Cherry Grove is around a mile, once you go outside of the perimeter, there is no longer a boardwalk and it will require going through sand. However, the community is similar to a grid, so in addition to the boardwalks along the perimeter, there are cross “streets” that run perpendicular. If you run through the entire community, that adds up to slightly less than three miles. After speaking with a local and a runner who I approached when she was running (fortunately for me she was really nice about it!), we discovered that there is a path that connects Cherry Grove to the Sunken Forest. On Saturday afternoon, Josh and I set out on my adventure to find 14 miles. We started by going towards the Sunken Forest first, found the path after two tries since some of it was washed away we had to go on sand, ran through the forest, and then back to Cherry Grove which added up to slightly under three miles. Josh went to back to the hotel and I was on my own to add up the mileage. I think I saw every person out in town at least three times! I ran the entire community 3+ times and I still only got to 11 miles. At that time, it started getting dark, so I called it a run!

Also, while we were in Fire Island for the weekend, I finally read Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. I’ve been wanting to read this book for over a year and downloaded it on the Kindle a couple months ago. The reviews for the book are really good and everyone I talked to who has read the book all agree. I have to say though that I thought it started off a little slow but once I got into it, it was a fast read. Without giving away too much, the book definitely makes you think about your diet, barefoot running or minimalist shoes at least, and truly inspires you to go the distance (short or far). I enjoyed the book so much that I downloaded Eat and Run by Scott Jurek as soon as I got home. I am really looking forward that read.

Do you have any good book recommendations?

P.S. I can’t believe tomorrow will be 60 days until the marathon. Just two months away… time flies.

This post isn’t 100% about running…

I just read an article about the 13 reasons why runners are jerks; sure, I agree with pretty much all of them but I won’t share the link here (you can always google it), just because I don’t want you adding to the list of reasons you think I am a jerk! Anyway, as a result, I can’t make this whole post about running…

It’s been a big week in the running and blogging world. I’m quite impressed with my dedication to training this week (I ran over 32 miles this week plus three cross-training sessions; second highest mileage week since I started officially training again):

  • Monday – open barre class (P.S. I love Local Barre)
  • Tuesday – Cat Hill repeats (Even my co-worker from California came with me)
  • Wednesday – short run followed by spin class (I love Work It Out spin classes)
  • Thursday – group run on bridle path in Central Park
  • Friday – open barre class
  • Saturday – short run with Josh
  • Sunday – long training run from Central Park to Prospect Park
In the world of blogging, I was excited read a blog post that my teammate, Kate wrote about using social media to help with fundraising. I connected with her about how my blog was integrated into my fundraising for last year and this year’s marathon. As I thought more about why I started blogging last year, it was clear that I didn’t start the blog (not this one) with the intention of fundraising. I started the blog with the goal of capturing memories from training and of my grandmother for myself and to share with my family and friends. I definitely think the blog helped with fundraising, which certainly is an added benefit, however, that was not the intention. Since I enjoyed writing every week so much, and I never stopped signing up for races, my blogging just continued. It definitely has morphed into more of a random brain download each week related to running, eating, shopping, and occasionally traveling, though I wish I did more of that. Since I started getting more involved in the running blogosphere, I found that I really enjoy reading about my virtual (and some real-life) friends and their adventures. If I can touch just one additional person (real-life or virtual) then I’ll feel like I accomplished something.
With that in mind, about a month ago, I submitted some responses to a couple of questions about my blog to #RunChat hoping that I would be featured in their Celebrating Running Blogs month posts. Last night, my blog was featured on their site! It is absolutely incredible to read about everyone’s story and I am truly honored to be featured in such amazing company. While running may be a selfish sport (as some runners may agree), there are a lot of inspiring stories about there.
In the land of food, I promised I would share what my overnight, no-cook refrigerator oatmeal looked like. It didn’t look very good or appetizing, perhaps it’s because I didn’t use the mason jars? I’m pretty sure I somehow botched up the 3-step recipe! Anyway, I haven’t given up on trying to find creative ways to eat oatmeal for breakfast yet. I am going to try make Chocolate Oatmeal and Cookie Dough Baked Oatmeal this week; let’s see how well I do!
Also, my toes (one in particular) suffered a lot of pain after the long run last weekend (too much information?!?!). Let’s just say Josh had to run out and buy me rubbing alcohol, bandaids, and gauze when I was on my way home. I usually lather on the Vaseline or Aquaphor on my toes before putting on my running socks, but this time, no amount of Vaseline could have saved my toes. It could have been the shoes as well, even though I’ve run three marathons in the Asics Nimbus 14s, maybe the new model has a narrower or shorter footbed? I can’t seem to find any reviews that support that theory. Regardless, Coach Ali recommended using Anti Monkey Butt (yes, what a name, huh?) on my feet. So this morning, I carefully applied it on my toes and in my socks, put on my Brooks Glycerin 10 running shoes (I’m on the verge to converting to a Brooks enthusiast), and 16+ miles later, my toes survived. With any scientific experiment, there needs to be a control, so perhaps I should have worn the same pair of shoes, but there was no way I wanted to go through that pain again. Regardless, I am impressed by the combination of the Anti Monkey Butt powder and my Brooks running shoes.
Are there are any interesting products or recipes you’ve tried recently?