
You are what you eat…

You are what you eat and I learned my lesson last week. I was out of commission for four whole days. It’s hard to pinpoint what caused it but I had a hunch it may have been the bai antioxidant drink I bought on a whim from the supermarket and/or the combination of eating too many chips (my regular lunch spot started introducing homemade chips).

Bai has erythritol as a natural sweetener and it has been linked stomach trouble. Sure, you can google anything and find an article about it but I had almost every symptom mentioned in the Livestrong article over four days. Just when I thought I was getting better, I’d feel sick again.

There are certain foods that make me cave:

Since I’m not very good at self-control when I am surrounded by my vices, I prepare daily snacks to bring to work. Some of my favorites are cheese, carrots and hummus, clementines, grapes, bananas, and lately a smoothie that I drink mid-morning. By snacking between meals and before an early evening workout, it prevents me from picking up something that I know I will regret. 
What foods are your guilty pleasures? How do you make sure you don’t over eat?

P.S. Last week, I also completed my +1 volunteering for guaranteed entry into the 2014 TCS New York City Marathon. I’ve been very lazy when it comes to planning races for this year, guess I need to figure that out soon. Though I have my first “race” next Sunday — Fred Lebow Manhattan Half Marathon. I say “race” because I’m not in the mindset to actually race it. Since November, I’ve been running whenever I feel like it but no real training plan, definitely no speed work and no hills (so two loops of Central Park will be a real challenge)! 

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