Keep calm and run on…

keep-calm-and-run“Keep calm and run on” was all I could think about during the NYRR TCS NYC Marathon Tune-Up yesterday morning. I have been petrified of this run all week and after last week’s hip pain, I was worried how I would fare yesterday. Three full loops of Central Park, means 18 miles of rolling hills, Harlem Hill and Cat Hill 3 times each. When you haven’t done any speed work or hill training in not sure how long and very inconsistent long runs, I had full expectation that either I was not going to finish or it was going to be incredibly painful.

To add on top of all of this, I worked on Saturday and was on my feet most of the day. After work, we took a quick trip to Stamford (more on that at a later date) and by the time we got home last night, I was beat. My body hurt and all I wanted to do was fall asleep over pizza carb-loading. Fortunately, I was able to go to sleep fairly early and woke up feeling well-rested.

IMG_3623Despite some parking troubles yesterday morning, I remained calm and reminded myself that I was doing this run, not for time, but rather just to finish. I started the run with my teammates Maria and Tovy but had to separate from them when I peeled off to use the porto-potties after mile 1. I never use bathrooms during run – its precious minutes off my time – but there wasn’t enough time beforehand to take care of business. After the stop, I put on my headphones (P.S. As a coach/runner, I don’t always encourage running with headphones. I believe there is a time and place.) and kept repeating the mantra, “Keep calm and run on.” Aside from the miles where I walked through the water stations, I maintained fairly even splits. When I saw Coach Ali right before mile 6, I was glowing.

IMG_3627I felt a little more tired as the run went on as one would expect, but loops 2 and 3 all felt strong. In the last loop, I was really enjoying myself and thanked almost every volunteer along the way. My fastest two miles were the last two – 17 and 18 and I even “sprinted” the last 0.25 miles into the finish at an average pace of 7:53. My average pace for the whole run including the bathroom stop was 10:14 per mile which is much slower than I have run my other long runs and over a minute slower than when I ran this same course last year. However, I don’t care. I was incredibly proud of myself for keeping calm and continuing to put one foot in front of the other.

Yesterday’s run was a reminder of how much fun running can be, even if it is 18 miles of hills. And more importantly I enjoyed the company of my amazing team afterwards.

Running is like riding a bike, you’ll never forget how to do it and your body can do amazing things.

Tell me about your fun weekend running activity.

Labor Day Weekend Recap

We had the best Labor Day Weekend. I have a feeling this 4 day week will feel much longer than 4 days.

My long run on Saturday took us over three bridges (Williamsburg, Pulaski, and Queensboro) and through three boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens).


Just coming off of the Williamsburg Bridge means we need to stop for a picture.


This was only a couple blocks away in Brooklyn but such a cool background.


It’s time for some fueling right before tackling the Queensboro Bridge.


And post-16+ miles later, we were all thirsty for Juice Press. Thank you for the free juices. We will always #runforjuice on Saturday mornings.

After a quick nap and real food, Josh and I made our way back into the city to meet a friend.


We saw this gorgeous sunset in the West Village on our way to EN Japanese Brasserie. To kick off our evening, we had some amazing cocktails, freshly-made tofu, and stone grilled chicken (interesting combination of food?).

Then it was off to Barbuto. Jonathan Waxman is one of my all time favorite chefs. The last time we were at Barbuto, I was having a bad day and barely remember the meal. This time, I will definitely remember the experience. After waiting over an hour (what happened to NYC being quiet on a long weekend?), we were finally seated. It was well worth the wait though because our table was the corner one right on Washington Street. The weather was perfect and there was no better way to spend Saturday night than enjoying amazing food with even better company.


This picture really does not do the food justice. The hanger steak, mushroom risotto, and potatoes were some of the best I’ve ever had. We also ordered the chicken, two appetizers, and what ended up being three desserts. Let’s just say it was a very satisfying evening with big bellies.


On Sunday, we were in Stamford for the day. If you squint really hard (or zoom in on the picture), you can see the Manhattan skyline in the background.


And on Monday, we enjoyed our labor-free day with brunch at Rintintin with friends and hanging out with my favorite little one. Though she was not enjoying my company very much on Monday.

It was quite the NYC weekend and unfortunately, one that unofficially marks the end of the summer.

Tell me all about your weekend or since the weekend was so long ago, you can tell me what your plans are for this upcoming one.