This is how I tricked myself into running 20 miles. Enjoy this 20 mile photo tour of the Hudson River Waterfront!
Friday Favorites – #1
A couple of years ago when I was going through a rough patch at work and came home every night complaining, Josh suggested I start a journal to jot down all the positives in my day. A very bitter person back then, I laughed at the idea. That is until I discovered distance running and blogging.
This has been a very interesting week – for one, it’s a 6-day work week, I had a couple of days where I fell off the training wagon, and I am hoping to tackle my first 20-miler of this training cycle this weekend. All of this got me thinking that I want to start a new routine – Friday Favorites – where I will share with you my favorites from the week. I’m going to aim to share at least five things, but hey if I have more things that make me excited, I’m going to share more. I hope you will enjoy going on this weekly journey with me!
Closure. There has been some things in limbo and I am so glad to finally have some closure. I’m not a very patient person so you can imagine my pain. Cryptic, right? Why share when you won’t share all of it? I know, I stink, but trust me I will share one day when I can and that it is all good.
Local Barre. This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about Local Barre but I really love the classes and instructors there. So far this week, I’ve been able to take two classes, HIIT the Barre and Open Barre with two of my favorite instructors. I love how clean the facility is, the classes are organized, the instructors are creative and they really care about your form. I always leave feeling like I had a great all around workout and when I add a run before class, I get a great stretch that I am not as diligent about doing.
Snow. Okay, I hate this winter. I grew up in the Northeast but I feel like I get wimpier each year. However, even though the snow this week has derailed more than one workout, it is quite pretty to look at and take pictures of. Yesterday’s snow storm was fluffy and the lightest snow we’ve had all winter, so it was quite fun to walk through. I also like how the snow changes up my work hours and routine. It makes the 6-day work week easier to bear.
Treadmill. I’m lucky that I can trudge downstairs in my shorts and t-shirt to the gym in my building. It really makes sticking with a training plan much easier in this weather.
Brooks PureProject Seamless Ombre Capri. I haven’t gotten on the patterned tights bandwagon yet but these Brooks capris will have to do for now. I love how they are seamless, have a wide waistband, and the pattern on them are pretty (yes, I just called a pair of running pants pretty). I love them so much I have both colors. Now, I’m rooting for more snow, so I can work from home in my workout clothes all day (okay, don’t hate me for saying that!).
AgeUK fundraising. As most of you know, I’m running the 2015 London Marathon with the AgeUK team. I was a little worried about fundraising but am excited to report that I received two donations this week already! Thank you Maria and Stacy! I love London and AgeUK is a great cause so I hope you will consider supporting.
Running with family. This past Sunday, my cousin, Norman ran his first NYRR race, the Washington Heights 5K. We formed a pact on my birthday a couple of years ago that if he ran a marathon, I would bike a century. Clearly, I had one too many drinks that night. Norman is starting to live up to his end of the deal and considering running this year’s NYC Marathon. Oh man, I’m in trouble. I don’t even own a bike!
And that’s it for the first week of Friday Favorites. Happy weekend everyone!
Now it’s your turn. Tell me what you’re excited about!