
Sunday Snaps #10 – Food and Pride

I think all I’ve done this week has been eat and eat some more. We were supposed to be at Josh’s cousin’s wedding this weekend in Pittsburgh but since I’m due in 3 weeks, we unfortunately decided not to go. Despite missing the wedding, we had much to celebrate here.

We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary with dinner at Anthony David’s in Hoboken. The meal was so good that the chocolate brownie with pistachio gelato dessert was the only picture we took the whole evening. Each year we celebrate by taking a trip but this year is the first time we didn’t travel for our anniversary. Don’t worry though because I’m already itching to go away and thinking ahead to where I’d like to celebrate our 10th anniversary.

I made overnight oats for the first time! I realize that I am late to the party but we finally got lids for our mason jars and of course you cannot possibly make overnight oats in something other than a mason jar. I made the classic overnight oats (and topped it with granola and berries the next morning) and the chocolate peanut butter one using these recipes. Both were really yummy.

Yesterday, we celebrated a belated Father’s Day and my dad’s birthday with dinner at Dino and Harry’s. I have waited for an amazing piece of meat all week and this meal totally satisfied the craving. I also loved how the steak looked like a pig!

Today, we went to brunch at Maialino to send off a couple of good friends as they embark on an adventure in Southern California. The pastries, which I do not have pictures of (of course!), were incredible. And I wish I can fit in their suitcase for California.

We walked by the Pride March on our way to the train and the energy was intoxicating. It was really great to see all the crowds and corporate support.

Hope you had a great weekend like me with a lot of great food and celebrations! 


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