I mentioned in an earlier post that I am not particularly fond of New Year’s resolutions – mostly because I find that they are 1) too specific which generally leads to one (well, me specifically) not achieving said goals or forgetting about them and 2) if they are goals, then they don’t have to be New Year’s resolutions and instead just be goals that you focus on at any point of the year.
However, recently I’ve found myself reflecting a lot on the past year especially with a new baby and big life changes, it really got me thinking about what’s important and things to focus on going forward, not just in 2017.
Time is always precious but even more so when there is a young one. And as a result, I’m starting to realize there is a lot less room for clutter and excess both physically and mentally which leads me to my 5-point plan (haha, I’m a dork for lists and organization).
Simplicity. This is much easier said than done. I really need to purge. Too much clothes, shoes, other material items that take up space in a small apartment (and even if we weren’t living in an apartment this would be important too). Aside from material items, I’m looking for schedules and plans to be simple. No need to over complicate. Someone please remind me of this the next time I hear about a sale online!
- Happiness. Yes, obviously you only want to do things that make you happy. However, I really only want to focus on things that make me happy now that there’s a third person in our lives. Any time that I am away even for a couple of hours, I question whether this is time well spent.
- No drama. We’re adults and we’re too old for all that. And as parents there is so much out there that makes you question everything you’re doing. There is no sense in surrounding yourself with people or news that does not make you happy (hence #2 above). I just want to be true to myself.
- Endorphins. This wouldn’t be a running blog if a post doesn’t mention running. But it’s true. Running and exercise brings me joy. It makes me feel healthy and happy and as a result a better person, friend, daughter, wife and mom. I need to make it a priority to fit in exercise regularly regardless of whether I am training for a specific goal. As for specific running goals, I am signed up for a number of races already which I will detail out in another post, but this year I am more focused on running for enjoyment. While I would love a PR in any distance, it will not be my primary focus. I am fortunate that I can go out for a sweat session and I should take advantage – no excuses!
- Write more. Whether through the blog, training journal, or other outlets, I find that I feel more mentally clear when I’ve had an outlet. After all, I can’t dump on Josh all the time!
So how am I going to achieve all this? I’m going to be very conscious in the things I say yes to, whether it be purchases, plans, or races. This includes professional endeavors as well. I am going to, maybe not all at one time, go through a purge of my clothes, shoes and accessories. As for plans or opportunities that come up, I’m going to think twice, three times even or for tougher decisions, build a decision matrix before acting (again, here is the dork in me coming out). By knowing what is important, I can prioritize better. And eventually I will finish The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo which I’m sure will provide additional tips.
Here’s to a wonderful 2017! Tell me about your goals.