Friday Favorites (Favourites) #7 – London Edition

It’s already Friday and it’s the start of my 3rd day in London. With Josh at work yesterday and today, I’m trying really hard to not exert myself. I love London and would love to walk all around the city like I did the last time I was here, especially since the weather is so nice but I am reminding myself that I don’t want to be tired and repeat what happened in Chicago. We have a couple of days in London after the race, so hopefully I will be well enough to sightsee then. Regardless, I’m loving my casual time in London and attempting to keep my marathon nerves at bay.

Carb loading

It’s too bad I can’t be as creative with food options, but I am enjoying the hunt for carbs in the city.

Smoked haddock risotto with spinach and a poached egg

Smoked haddock risotto with spinach and a poached egg

Steak and arugula (rocket) pizza

Steak and arugula (rocket) pizza

Mushroom and arugula (rocket) filled pasta with mozzarella and pesto sauce

Mushroom and arugula (rocket) filled pasta with mozzarella and pesto sauce

Light walking around the city

I walked all around the Piccadilly Circus and Regent Street area the last time I was here but it just never gets old. It’s a short walk from our hotel and I ventured in that direction for lunch yesterday. I love the architecture of the buildings and double-decker buses. I just really love London.

Such neat architecture on Regent Street and beautiful blue sky

Such neat architecture on Regent Street and beautiful blue sky

I love the buses. I'm a dork but they look cooler than the MTA ones.

I love the buses. I’m a dork but they look cooler than the MTA ones.

Morning yoga in the hotel room

Josh had to carry my new travel yoga mat in his suitcase since mine was overweight. I needed to keep up with my morning yoga routine and was too lame to just use a towel on the hotel room floor, hence the travel mat. It folds nicely into a suitcase but is still two pounds and when every pound matters, two pounds is still too heavy. However, I love it and works perfectly over the carpeted room floor. In addition to yoga this morning, I was able to foam roll on it a little as well.

See the iPad/YouTube set up and me being a dork taking the picture in the mirror?

See the iPad/YouTube set up and me being a dork taking the picture in the mirror?

Short run and Hyde Park

It’s fun to meet up with someone you know in a foreign country and go for a run. James and I went on our short run yesterday afternoon in gorgeous 60 degree weather in Hyde Park. There was so many people out on bikes, horseback riding, and just lounging around.

I love the phone booths too.

I love the phone booths too.

New Hyde Park Gardens

Hyde Park Gardens

Just chillin’

And for now, I’m just chillin’, getting caught up on the blog, work emails, and relaxing.

View while blogging, except all the toast is gone now since I am carb loading.

View while blogging, except all the toast is gone now since I am carb loading.

Happy Friday and weekend everyone!

Friday Favorites #5

This week’s Friday Favorites will be all semi-running related (semi is a loose term).

IMG_2708Lunch variety. I ate french fries and a chicken philly cheesesteak from Plum on the Run on Thursday. Sometimes it’s nice to toss-up the routine, but an important reminder is not to eat too many french fries before a tough workout.

IMG_2710Bare arms. The weather was so nice I ran in a t-shirt and capris on Thursday evening. I felt so free, so bare, and so much faster.

IMG_2711Tempo Thursday. It was a busy Thursday for me, I guess. Julio, my running/training buddy and I have been consistently running tempo runs every Thursday for a couple of weeks now. Yesterday’s tempo workout which was my favorite was a warm-up + 3-miles at marathon goal pace and 3-miles at half-marathon goal pace + cool down. I ran primarily on feel and it was a good thing that correlated with the paces on my watch.

IMG_2712Exercise runway. This week I got lazy after my morning yoga routine to put away the mat. Aside from the fact that it doesn’t go with the decor and Josh thinks it’s in the way, I love having my yoga mat where it is. I watch TV from the floor now while foam rolling and just randomly sit around stretching. (See Josh, you’ll see having the yoga mat permanently out will be better for my running.)

Fun running reads. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll see a lot of the articles I find interesting (but then maybe I would give away my blog posts?!?). My favorite ones from the week are – 4 Ways to Build Mental Toughness, 35 Things You Didn’t Know About the London Marathon, The World’s Best Half Marathons, 52 Reasons to Run a Marathon, and The World’s 25 Best Marathons.

The Active Times Network – I’m excited to be a part of The Active Times blogger community. One day, my activity will span more than just running! In the meantime, check their Friday Feature on me.

Happy Passover/Easter/Holiday/Spring weekend to all! I am excited for my weekend – the last long run before tapering (with 10K race thrown in the middle) and quality time with friends and family.

What are your weekend and running plans?