Seen in Pittsburgh

Now that we’re back from the weekend, we can talk about where we went. Josh and I made quick trip to Pittsburgh for a surprise birthday party for his aunt.

IMG_2648As seen on our way to Pittsburgh, it looks like LGA is getting the upgrade. The last time we flew out of there was to Chicago and the terminal looked like it was falling apart. Terminal C for Delta is quite the scene. You can order food from an iPad on your table and even put in what flight you’re on so they can plan accordingly. We didn’t end up doing this since they took away breakfast while we were browsing and we didn’t prefer the lunch options. It did look like the breakfast was pretty good and if you were ready to spend $20 per person, then this would be a decent choice.

IMG_2649Now, in Pittsburgh, well technically Monroeville to be exact, I saw this sign at the ice cream sundae station at Max & Erma’s. “Unattended children will be given espresso and a free kitten.” Now had the sign said puppy, I would have found a way to claim unattended children.

IMG_2650I ran on the treadmill with Josh’s parents two straight days! It was because of them that I ran 5 more miles than I wanted to on Saturday. I felt pretty bad for the first 60 minutes of my long run (was supposed to be 12 miles) and was ready to stop but when they came in, I was motivated enough to run another 5 to finish up with 11 miles. They’re not my best 11 miles, but I’m glad I got them in.

IMG_2653After an afternoon of errands that avoided the birthday girl, we were ready for the party. It’s surprising but I do own non-running clothes and I don’t always wear my hair in a ponytail.

IMG_2655The next morning, I was feeling so inspired by all the United NYC Half Marathon runners that I ran a fartlek on the treadmill while obsessively refreshing the race app (I had some very VIP runners that I needed to track!). I don’t typically do a speed workout the day after a long run but since my legs felt pretty fresh after the bad long run, I was looking for something speedier to focus on form and heart rate. On the race front, it was a great day in NYC, all of my VIP friends ran great races and some with amazing PRs. Even though I wasn’t live cheering, I was anxious and excited for everyone.

IMG_2654And then there were high winds in NYC which caused cancellations and delays into the NYC-area airports (luckily that didn’t seem to affect too many of the half runners). Fortunately for us, our flight was just delayed and we made it home in time for our FreshDirect delivery. However, when delayed at the Pittsburgh airport, it is important to treat yourself. And in our case, we had some Pinkberry. When we’re at home, we’re loyal to 16 Handles due to their location but I think I am a bigger Pinkberry fan. I have absolutely no self-control so it works out better for me when someone else has to scoop me my toppings.

And that about sums up our weekend.

How was your weekend? Did you do any running?

Why I love running…

Happy belated Valentine’s Day and Happy Chinese Year! In honor of these two holidays where I usually spend a lot of time eating chocolate and lots of amazing Chinese food, I wanted to share with you why I love running.

I love running because…

—Of the physical challenge. I failed likely every Presidential Fitness Test when I was younger and hated gym class. If only I could go back to elementary and middle school now!

—Then I don’t feel so bad when I eat a bowl of ice cream while blogging. Don’t worry we try our best to find the healthiest ice cream possible. This week’s choice is from Trader Joe’s.

Believe me the bowl was bigger!

—I won’t feel as bad buying exercise clothes. Someone has to single-handedly drive the sales for athletic clothes.

—Of the endorphins. And endorphins make me a better person. And when I am a better person that benefits everyone around me (interesting perspective).

—I can act silly on runs and no one will judge me for it (at least, I don’t think my teammates do!). Like running through sprinklers or drinking the rain.

Yes, I was trying to drink the rain (hey, I was thirsty!)

Yes, I was trying to drink the rain (hey, I was thirsty!)

—I run for the best cause and every step is helping find a cure to end Alzheimer’s. I will always be an Athlete to End Alzheimer’s (my recap in the Alzheimer’s newsletter about this past year’s marathon season).

2013 NYC Marathon team

2013 NYC Marathon team

—I met some of the world’s most amazing people through running.

Awesome running friends at last year's Brooklyn Half

Awesome running friends at last year’s Brooklyn Half

—I finally found my passion, my extracurricular activity that I love doing, reading, and talking about (sorry to everyone around me who doesn’t love running as much as I do).

—I feel more connected to my grandma. I’ve had a fairly sentimental week reflecting on this for various different reasons and unfortunately, it was due to her suffering from Alzheimer’s that helped me find my love for running. I am so glad for this silver lining because I cannot imagine what my life would be like without it.

My grandma and her best (only) granddaughter

My grandma and her best (only) granddaughter

P.S. I, first and foremost, love my family and friends because without them I wouldn’t be me and I wouldn’t be running. Here’s to wishing everyone a happy and healthy year of the goat!

The best supporters a girl could have

The best supporters a girl could have!