Happy Thanksgiving and updates!

Hello! It’s been a little while I blogged so here is a quick update from my end —

img_6248I ran the Race to Deliver 4 Miler in Central Park with my friend, Toni last weekend. It was nice to run in Central Park again and the fall trees looked amazing. I really miss running in Central Park. I also really miss running in races.

I have also been experimenting with different running and cross training schedules as I have been building my Los Angeles marathon training plan. Training starts tomorrow – 16 weeks to go! Ahh! More to come on my training strategy as I finalize the details. I enjoyed an early morning 5:45AM spin class at Prime Cycle last week. I miss spin classes and how bad I am at them! But it’s definitely a great workout. I also attended a couple of Wet Barre (Cardio!) classes. Planks, burpees, and mountain climbers, how I love to hate you. And in attempting to break into the routine of running in the morning, I ran on the treadmill a couple of mornings and did a hill workout with the Elysianettes running group one day. I am hoping to attend a couple of runs a week with the group. This coming week will certainly be an experiment with getting up early consistently to get the workouts in and I will be sure to update you on how it all goes.

img_6271This year I started Black Friday shopping even earlier. I love going to the stores on Black Friday but didn’t make it out. However, I did start shopping since the Monday before the holiday – I love me a good sale. My favorites this year include Gap’s 50% off, Athleta’s 20%, J. Crew’s 40%, Madewell’s 25%, Nordstrom’s 20% off sale, Brooks free socks and sale on the Launch 3 and Amazon’s select sale items. Many of these sales end tonight, so hurry and take advantage!

img_6281And finally, we had a great Thanksgiving. We enjoyed an amazing holiday weekend with family and friends and a lot of yummy food. For Thanksgiving dinner, my contribution was stuffing (Josh’s family recipe), cranberry sauce, and apple dumpling cake. And if you wanted to try the recipes, I half the amount of sugar used in both. There is a lot to be thankful for this year and it was fun celebrating Charlotte’s first Thanksgiving. I know there will be even more fun to come in future years.

Hope everyone had a great holiday and weekend! 

Happy Thanksgiving (one day late)!

This Thanksgiving, and not just on Thanksgiving (or the day after) I am grateful for opportunities and support.

This year I’ve been fortunate to have any many opportunities on both the personal and professional fronts.

IMG_4290With my some changes at Stevens, it presented me with an opportunity to reflect on what I wanted to do professionally and the best career path. I’m fortunate for that opportunity because that is how I ended up where I am now, three days into my new job, which has been great so far.

This new job is what led Josh and I to sell our apartment in Hoboken and move to Connecticut. While, I am still bittersweet about the move, I know this opportunity was one that I would regret if I didn’t act on it. I miss Hoboken, our old apartment, and the easy access to NYC very much especially since we’re still living in a sea of boxes but I am grateful to be in this position. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of Josh and our families.

IMG_4296And on a personal/running note, this was definitely not the year for PRs but a lot of great milestones and experiences. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to run my first international race, the Virgin Money London Marathon in April with the AgeUK team. Later this fall, I ran my 10th half marathon in New York and my 8th marathon and 3rd NYC Marathon amidst a stressful time in our lives wrapping up my old job and preparing for the move. Training for and running any race requires the support of many people – those who you live with; those who have to hear you talk about it nonstop – be it coworkers, friends, family, the lunch guy or any one who will listen; and your teammates and coaches. While the race is an individual effort, the accomplishment is a team effort. I’m fortunate for all the support I continuously receive for all the crazy running adventures I go on.

2015 has been a great year and it’s not over yet (no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!). I will do my annual year-in-review recap in 2016 but in the meantime I’m so grateful for the opportunities and support.

Happy Day After Thanksgiving everyone! I wish you wonderful food and a great time with family and friends and some Black Friday shopping.